BRMH Volunteers Announce 2023 Scholarship Recipients

The volunteers of Black River Memorial Hospital (BRMH) are pleased to announce the selection of the scholarship recipients for 2023. The selection process involved a review of all applications by the scholarship committee, made up of three hospital volunteers, a high school guidance counselor, and a healthcare professional from the community. 

“The scholarship committee had their work cut out for them as we received numerous quality applications this year” expressed Sarah Osegard, Volunteer Coordinator at BRMH. “The committee is pleased to provide these monetary scholarships to local students on behalf of the BRMH volunteers’ year-round fundraising efforts”.

2023 BRMH volunteers’ scholarship recipients:

Seth Peterson was awarded the $2,000 Health Career Scholarship. Seth is attending Saint Mary’s University in Minnesota, studying Biology Pre-PA Studies.

Jordyn Miles was selected to receive the $1,000 Technical College Scholarship. Jordyn is attending Chippewa Valley Technical College in Eau Claire to secure her Associate’s Degree in Nursing.

Haylie Schmidt was awarded the $1,000 Mary Larkin Memorial Scholarship. Haylie will be attending UW-EC to major in Communication Sciences & Disorders.

Ruby Paul was selected to receive the $1,000 Volunteen Scholarship. Ruby will be attending Minnesota State University – Mankato, to major in Communication Sciences & Disorders.

The BRMH volunteers thank the community for continuing to support their fundraising efforts that enable these scholarships to be presented each year. The selection committee would also like to thank all this year’s applicants and encourage all students to keep an eye out for next year’s application, which will be available in early 2024.

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