Selvick Named President-Elect of American College of Healthcare Executives - Wisconsin River Memorial Hospital’s President and CEO, Carl Selvick, was recently named President-Elect of the American College of Healthcare Executives - Wisconsin (ACHE-WI).

ACHE-WI was established in 2004 to serve the needs of Wisconsin’s health care community. Currently, the organization serves over 800 healthcare executives in Wisconsin in all fields including hospitals, health agencies, consulting firms, educational organizations, and related public and private organizations.

The primary purpose of ACHE-WI is to meet the professional needs of its members, promote excellence in healthcare leadership through education and training, aid in career advancement and embrace communications and networking relationships among colleagues in Wisconsin. The American College of Healthcare Executives is the nation’s top professional society for healthcare leaders.

Carl has been a member of ACHE-WI since 2015. He earned his Fellow credential, representing achievement of the highest level of professional development through ACHE, in 2018.

Carl is privileged to serve the organization in a new capacity next year.

For more information regarding ACHE-WI, please visit

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